My son is born January 22. Everything was great we were getting ready to go home. Neirnga Pakasiute berättar om sin son.
But Saturday 23 after checking the heart the heart doctor from Solna arrived. We are transported to Huddinge sjukhus and next day Karolinska sjukhuset. January 25th we fly to Lund and in Januari 26th at 10 that morning they performed heart surgery… [TGA]
March 5th we arrived again to Lund because we got infection after surgery. A week at the hospital. But now we are at home again.
Thank you Lund for a new life for my little amazing boy! Thanks for everything you do. Thank you to doctor and nurses. This is a big test for our family, how life is important!
My boy Evans Prince Nketiah is amazing… and strong. He is already two months old and a strong and happy boy.